Tuesday, 23 July 2013


The Thirst.
As the Hormones Flow
Logic Ebbs..
The Great Sea of Swirling Energy.
Longing, Passion,
Viewing the World in Black and White
And Anatomy in Colour.
Lust of the Eyes.
Interpreting, her Shape and mine
Flowing with the Tide.
Saying in one ear,
"Let's Tessellate."

As he called it.

Now, I am no Oedipus,
And She no Electra.
But the Id demands that Thirsts be Met,
Hungers Quenched,
Fixations Realised,
Pleasures Explored.
And now neither Egos disagree.

And Libido's tides Crash loudly against the Bedhead.
Moaning Melodies of (Over)Indulgence
Muddled Conflicts,
Yeses and Nos.
Melting Together..
Painting the Ambience Visible...
Whether on Rose Petals or Concrete.
Same Picture.
Libido, The Pleasure...
Their Crests and Troughs
Paint the Heart's Pulsing ...
May it never Flat Line...
Then the Audience Cheers as the Ceremonial Glass is Raised.
Then we Pretend to Drink?
Because the Thirst seems Eternal,
Does it not?

Whenever that Oral Fixation Sprouted 
And Love became all Lip Service...
Though Time won't tell us.

Pleasure Drives Us.
He said.

And Now more than Ever...
He's Right.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Summer Night Reflections

I'm not sure about Anyone Else,
But it's the Nights I look forward to in Summer.
The Days are too Imposing.
Striking.. Temperature-wise.
Cooler is Better
For the Thoughts, at least.

So I'm up at about an Hour past Tomorrow.
Wait. It's Today now.
Funny how Trivial Time is when you have Nothing to do with it.
And how much we Crave Occupation...
Or just Wage.
But that's Aside from the point.
It's Late...
And I don't Night Walk alone, either.

Walking with Friends is always Interesting...
And less Time Conscious.
And it's a Strange group of Human-folk
I Call Friends:
Hedonists, Zealots, the occasional Heretic.
A mixed crowd
And maybe a Dangerous one.
But Danger aside
They make Good Conversation.

And Conversation is Hard to Find in a World of Talk.

Aside from the Time and the Friends...
The Night is missing an Element.
Though I can't Hear the Night's Whisper
Over the Roar of my cheap Headphones
Oh... That's it.

It's a Nocturne
From an Otherworldly Orchestra..
Much Heard, Little Talked About.

Everything's here.

Somebody get the Liquor...
It's a Summer Night.