Have you ever Watched a Breeze?
Or the Formation of an Idea on One's Brow?
Realising that what is just Empty Space..
Or Just a Face..
Is Quite Full..
Or the Flow of Time.
Though I am skeptical of the Future.
As I see more Now, and a Hope that Now continues.
And in this Continual Present,
Time, the anarchist, smiles..
Watching as Order grows into Disorder..
Reveling in Entropy.
Or The World...
Moving Monotonously through its Motions...
In an Eternal Pirouette
Entertaining itself with its Inhabitants..
Probably not Considering the Consequence of its Whims.
Not burdened by Duty...
Just People.
And in the Quite Full Empty Space
Seeking the Powerful Just a Face,
And the Hope of Continuing Presents,
But a few Years of Time's Entertainment,
The Light Burden of a Dancing World;
We Stand.